‘Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain’ actor and Amitabh Bachchan’s duplicate Firoz Khan passes away dur to heart attack, this news was very shocking for all fans of Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain and Firoz Khan. People’s want to all about the actor. In this article we will give you all details about the Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain actor Firoz Khan. Firoz started her acting journey from small roles. But she will get most of the popularity from the Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain and Jija Ji Chat Par Hain TV Shows.
Firoz Khan Biograophy / Firoz Khan Wiki
Name: Firoz Khan
Date of Birth: Not Known
Age: Not Known
Birth Place: Uttar Pradesh
Home Town: Uttar Pradesh
Current a City: Mumbai
Death Date: 23rd May 2024
Death Reason: Heart Attack
Wife: not Known
Profession: Acting
Know For: Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain and Jija Ji Chat Par Hain Shows
Firoz Khan Carrer
Firoz Khan was famous as the duplicate of Amitabh Bachchan. He will be seen in the many popular shwos but he will get the popularity from the bhabhi ji ghar par hain show. He will seen in the Jija Ji Chhat Tak Hain, Saheb Bibi Aur Boss, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan and Shaktimaan. He will also seen in the Adnan Sami’s superhit song for a short time.
Actor was too active on the social media he will daily share her videos on her instagram account that you will be seen.
Firoz Khan Death Reason
On 23rd May 2024, he will suffer with heart attack and goen forever. Before Death, She will share her one video and in another which he will seen to do mimicry of popular actor Amitabh Bachchan and see like a Amitabh Bachchan.